(Lack of a blue link indicates no issues detected in auctioneer file).
Auctioneer: |
Date of Most
Recent File Review: |
Armand, Fred |
02/19/15 |
Armstrong, Jack |
01/21/15 |
Assiter, Tommy |
Babb, Keith |
Bandy, Ross |
02/19/15 |
Barn, The Auction (G & R Auction Barn) |
Biesch, Donald |
Bonnette, Barbara |
Brister, Mark |
Britton, Scott |
12/06/16 |
Brown, Cecil |
Brunner, Michael |
Buhler, Ken |
Caine, Robert |
06/21/16 |
Campbell, Cecil |
01/21/15 |
Clem, William |
12/06/16 |
Collins, Wiley (LAA President) |
Comer, James
Kenneth (former LALB Chair) |
Davis, Martin |
Deshotels, Wade |
Dickerson, Terry |
06/21/16 |
Duckwall, Daniel |
12/06/16 |
Durham Auctions
(William Jones) |
Galtier, Morris |
12/06/16 |
Gay, Johnathan |
02/19/15 |
Gilmore, Dave |
06/21/16 [1] |
Goldsmith, Gary |
06/21/16 |
Grafe, Judd |
12/06/16 |
Granger, Mark |
01/21/15 |
Guinn, John "Johnny" (LA State Rep.) |
Guinn, Michael |
06/21/16 [2] |
Hammock, Bryan |
Hardy, Nicholas |
Hawkins, Joseph |
02/19/15 |
Heaston, Edward (sponsored by Nicolas Hardy) |
Henderson, Jeff |
Henderson, Marvin |
Holbrook, Stuart |
Jackson, Harold Myers |
Jones, Renee |
01/21/15 |
Jones, William
(Durham Auctions) |
Kelley, Kevin |
King, Jerry |
12/06/16 |
Korrey, John |
08/31/16 |
Kunstler, Joseph "Jack" |
Leonards, Jamie |
02/19/15 |
Manheim Auctions (Barry Shackelford) |
Massey, Joe (Bruce Miller, deceased) |
McCurdy, Ralph |
02/19/15 |
Miller, Bruce (deceased - Joe Massey) |
Mixon, Kevin |
Monroe, Jason |
12/06/16 |
Murphy, Joel Allen |
New Orleans Auction Galleries (NOAG) |
[3] |
Nutt, Kelly |
08/31/16 |
Otrleib, Renee |
Phipps, Grover |
Prichard, William |
08/31/16 |
Redmond, Henry |
12/06/16 |
Rosato, Jerry |
Schmidt, Marlo |
Scott, Jerome |
12/06/16 |
Shackelford, Barry (Manheim Auctions) |
Sheer, Paul |
01/21/15 |
Steinkamp, Tessa (NOAG – former LALB
Chairman) |
Stovestand, Doug |
08/31/16 |
Summers, James |
08/31/16 |
Taylor, O. W. "Dusty" |
08/31/16 |
Thomas, Ashton |
08/31/16 |
Thompson, Richard |
08/31/16 |
Towns, James "Kyle" |
08/31/16 |
Trunzo, Frank |
08/31/16 |
Vidos, Jean (NOAG) |
Vilsmeier, Frederick |
02/19/15 |
Warren, Jacob |
06/21/16 |
White, Kathleen |
Wilson, Joe |
[1] Mr. Gilmore was cited for two trivial ad violations (failing to place license # in ad) for which he paid a $100 fine in late 2013.
[2] Mr. Guinn was cited for a trivial ad violation (failing to place license # in ad). Unlike Mr. Gilmore cited in #1 above; however, who was fined $100 for his initial violations, Mr. Guinn, son of Louisiana State Rep. Johnny Guinn, was issued a mere warning.
[3] NOAG and its principal, Jean Vidos, engaged in extensive egregious auction conduct (including numerous auction statute violations) prior to its April 1, 2011 bankruptcy. Furthermore, LALB Chairman Tessa Steinkamp, despite readily admitting that she knew of a lawsuit filed by Massoud Pourtain in Los Angeles several years prior to bankruptcy entailing six-figure losses on bids on fake paintings (with Christie's rejection stickers at the time NOAG auctioned them) failed to alert the LALB to any of NOAG problems notwithstanding her then-role of Vice Chairman of the LALB.
[4] Jerome Scott was cited for employing an unlicensed auctioneer in 1998. Additionally, in September of 1996, for undisclosed reasons, State Farm terminated his auction bond coverage effective immediately.
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