Wiley Collins


Federal Tax Lien Filed 9/21/10 for $21,000.



May 6, 2014



Discussion of LAPA President Rev. Freddie Phillips' proposed $5 in-state license renewal for 2015.

1:08 - 1:32
  LAA President Wiley Collins:  "Like Barbara, I'd rather see a $500 license fee than a $5 license fee."

2:53 - 3:18
  LAA President
Wiley Collins:  "I'd still pay $150 even if $5 fee passes."

Since Mr. Collins is so free-wheeling with paying excess licensing fees, perhaps his funds
could be put to better use satisfying his $21,000 Federal Tax Lien.  Surely the IRS would be appreciative!!

3:50 - 4:00

  LAA President
Wiley Collins:  "We're tired of all these f---ing disruptions."


LAPA Vice President Robert Burns responds to the LALB's action on Rev. Phillips
proposed $5 in-state license renewal fee for 2015.



July 9, 2013



LAA President Wiley Collins Lambasting LAPA @ 7/9/13 LALB Meeting


Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips, LAPA President, made the following assessment of the preceding video:

"The above video is precisely why we named the trade association I founded the Louisiana Association of Professional Auctioneers."


LAPA Vice President Robert Burns responding to Mr. Collins' Diatribe




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