November 5, 2013 Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board (LALB) Meeting Highlights

CLICK HERE to View LALB Financial Statements @ Time of Meeting




LALB indicates it is fully prepared to go to the 2014 Legislature and alter Used Motor Vehicle Statutes
to create a situation that "favors us, not them."

Vice Chairman James Sims:  "Auctioneer should not need two damn licenses to sell, period!"

Vice Chairman James Sims:  "Louisiana is notorious for this motor vehicle CRAP and it was all stirred up by
a used car dealer in Shreveport and one in Monroe!"

Vice Chairman James Sims:  "You're not listening to me Anna [Board Attorney]....... I don't want to go to Motor Vehicles and buy a damn license!"

Vice Chairman James Sims:  "This time, it's going to be done in our favor, not their's."

Board Member Hal McMillin:  "We are the auction Board!  We TELL them (Used Motor Vehicle Commission) what we want.  We don't ASK them!"




LAPA Vice President Robert Burns emphasizes need to formalize LALB's hiring of a 3rd law firm (Shows, Cali, & Walsh LLP) and also
provides insight that legal fees should consume about 50-70% of all auctioneer license fees paid for FYE 6/30/14. 





LAPA President Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips continues to spar with LALB Attorney Larry S. Bankston
regarding placing LAPA's website link on the LALB's website and also seeks to know
why Greg Bordelon, who is no longer an LALB member, has NOT been removed from the LALB website
when Boards and Commissions' website reflects him no longer serving on the LALB.
NOTE:  LALB Chairman Tessa Steinkamp suddenly became "camera shy" as she did throughout
most of the meeting!



For unspecified reasons, the reinstatement application of The Auction Barn (Pineville, LA)
  is considered in Executive Session






Though Vice Chairman James Sims desires for the LALB to cease ALL apprentice license issuances, Anna Dow
(Board Attorney) explains that would not be legal until the LALB has gotten apprentice statutes abolished during the 2014 Legislative Session.
Subsequently, Lane Bennett's apprentice license is approved. 



Note:  To view the meeting in its entirety,  CLICK HERE.


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