NOVEMBER 5, 2012



After a month-long delay in a FOIA request, audio was FINALLY obtained on Monday, December 3, 2012 of the November 5, 2012 LALB meeting.  As evidenced by the following audio clip, LALB Vice Chairman James Sims lambasted Gov. Jindal over the Governor's suspending of per diem payments to him and the remainder of the Board (with fellow LALB Member Greg Bordelon reinforcing Sims' tongue-lashing of Governor Jindal):


LALB Vice Chairman James Sims Lambasting Gov. Jindal


As evidenced by the following audio clip (also from the 11/5/12 LALB meeting), LALB Vice Chairman James Sims (along with companion Member Greg Bordelon) opt to respond to the roll call in a manner which, best case, is TOTALLY unprofessional and, worst case, was an effort to demean an entire ethnic group (African Americans).  It should be noted that this meeting is the first one at which Rev. Freddie Phillips, the FIRST and ONLY African American auctioneer in Louisiana's history, did not attend in over four years:

LALB Vice Chairman James Sims & Greg Bordelon
Respond to Roll Call @ 11/5/12 LALB Meeting


Now, Vice Chairman Sims certainly didn't cultivate his disdain toward Gov. Jindal as a recent phenomenon.  In fact, as evidenced by the following video of the June 20, 2011 LALB meeting (this time you get to see him!!!), at the 2:57 mark, we can readily view Mr. Sims' commentary regarding Gov. Jindal immediately after Gov. Jindal had appointed Sims to the LALB:


2:57 Mark of Video, LALB Vice Chairman James Sims Openly Flaunts His Disdain for Gov. Bobby Jindal (who'd just appointed him to the Board)!


Now, Gov. Jindal doesn't have to worry about being the only one to incur LALB Vice Chairman Sims' wrath.  As evidenced at the 5:57 mark of the video below (July 18, 2011 LALB meeting), Vice Chairman James Sims is openly hostile toward his fellow Board Member, Rev. Freddie Phillips.  Sims' hostility arose after Rev. Phillips openly questioned an expenditure made by the LALB for which there was never any LALB approval.  Mr. Sims openly accuses Rev. Philips, the only African American auctioneer in Louisiana's history, of engaging in a "witch hunt." Sims also gets quite hostile in conveying his sentiments, including, "What I told Governor Jindal when I took this position.":


5:57 Mark of Video, LALB Vice Chairman James Sims Is Openly Hostile
Toward Fellow Board Member Rev. Freddie Phillips @ 7/18/11 Meeting

In the above video, Vice Chairman James Sims chastises Rev. Phillips for the perception on Sims' part that Rev. Phillips had waited so long to challenge the expenditure.  In reality, Rev. Phillips had challenged the expenditure six months earlier and, at the 3:09 mark of the following video, things get quite heated and Rev. Phillips is threatened several times with lawsuits by then-Chairman Ken Comer and Board Attorney Anna Dow:


3:09 Mark of 1/10/11 LALB Meeting:  Rev. Phillips
Repeatedly Threatened with Lawsuits
CLICK HERE to See Lawsuit Threat Followed Up in Writing


Now, not to be outdone in the readily-apparent disdain for Rev. Phillips on the part of LALB Vice Chairman James Sims, LALB Chairman Tessa Steinkamp, in the following audio excerpt of the August 2, 2010 LALB meeting, explains exactly why she doesn't feel Rev. Phillips should represent the LALB at a national convention:


LALB Chairman Steinkamp Expresses Her Disdain for Rev. Phillips
at the August 2, 2010 LALB Meeting

Now, some may say the best has been saved for last.  At the September 19, 2011 LALB meeting, as evidenced by the video below, we see LALB Vice Chairman James Sims (sound familiar??) espouse that "homeland security" gives the LALB the prerogative to search Rev. Phillips WITHOUT probable cause.  LALB Member Greg Bordelon, while saying nothing, openly smiles at Mr. Sims' commentary.  Meanwhile, LALB Attorney Anna Dow inquires of Rev. Phillips four (4) times if he is "carrying a weapon?"  Further, Ms. Dow and LALB Chairman Tessa Steinkamp look toward EBRP Sheriff Deputy Ronald Landry with an implicit inquiry as to what he plans to do about Rev. Phillips' refusal to answer the question.  Deputy Landry didn't budge or make any comment whatsoever, which is quite commendable of him and reflects favorably upon the EBRP Sheriff's Office!!


Phillips, are you "carrying a weapon?"


Now, it's always good to conclude things on a positive note, so the following video shows Rev. Phillips, despite all the attacks and condemnation which has come his way, rising above it all and, on April 21, 2012, raising over $25,000 for a local Baton Rouge charity:  Trafficking Hope


LAPA President Rev. Freddie Phillips raises $25,000
 for an authentic Paul Dietzel / Chinese Bandits LSU football.



Gov. Jindal, in a statement to Politico on November 13, 2012 (eight days after the Sims tirade and bizarre roll call responses by Sims & Bordelon) relayed that the Republican Party needs to stop being the "stupid party," and refrain from offensive commentary aimed at various groups to whom the party needs to reach out and embrace.  Can we get a check-back on that, Gov. Jindal, in terms of how readily such a philosophy is being embraced and implemented in your own home state of Louisiana by the folk you have appointed to various Board and Commissions across Louisiana?



CLICK HERE to See Encounters of LAPA President Rev. Freddie Phillips and LAPA Vice President Robert Burns Regarding Videotaping of Interior Design Board Meetings

CLICK HERE to View LAPA's Proposed REFORM of the Auction Industry in Louisiana


CLICK HERE to See MORE Encounters of LAPA President Rev. Freddie Phillips with the LALB


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