Robert Burns



 November 9, 2012


At the conclusion of the September 17, 2012 LALB hearing entailing LALB v. Robert Burns, over the objections of BOTH Burns and his attorney, Robert Loren Kleinpeter, the LALB convened an ILLEGAL Executive Session to discuss Burns' plight.  The following video depicts Burns and Kleinpeter emphasizing that the meeting MUST be conducted in the open if Burns so chose (which he did):


Judge Errs in Permitting LALB to Enter Ex. Session R. S. 42:17(A)(1) Notwithstanding

As a result of the foregoing video, Burns filed an Open Meetings lawsuit against the LALB:

 CLICK HERE for Chronological 19th JDC Filings for Robert Burns v. LALB
 as a Result of the Hearing Depicted Above of LALB v. Robert Burns
 Conducted on September 17, 2012


 January 8, 2013


Realizing they'd violated the Open Meetings Law, the LALB convened so-called "reset hearings" on January 8, 2013 in an utterly desperate attempt to "cure" the "violation" of the Open Meetings Law depicted above.  


LALB Meeting:  1/08/13
LALB so-called "reset" deliberations

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