Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board (LALBJ)

SPECIAL WEBPAGE:  Irregularities in the Hiring of Larry Bankston
 & Anna Dow December, 2012 LALB Legal Invoice



  05/21/12 LALB Meeting:  Discussion of Renewal of Dow Contract & Hiring of Larry Bankston
3:52 - Greg Bordelon:  "If we hire Mr. Bankston........."
4:20 - 4:45 - Chairman Tessa Steinkamp emphasis Bankston can't be put to work until contract approved and signed.
5:10 - Anna Dow:  "NOW that he is an employee or contractor of the Board....." and permits Bordelon to elaborate on work request.



03/05/13 LALB Meeting:  LAPA Vice President Robert Burns, BEFORE having unredacted invoices,
makes public comment on the above video and invoices obtained through FOIA requests.

  CLICK HERE for the December, 2012 Legal Invoice of Anna Dow Referenced by Burns Above

 CLICK HERE to See First Date of Larry Bankston Billing (March 9, 2012 - 79 days BEFORE the 5/21/12 "hiring" depicted on the first video above)

CLICK HERE to See LALB Check to Larry Bankston Dated
APRIL 10, 2012 Signed by Chairman Tessa Steinkamp

Bottom Line:  Ms. DOW & Ms. STEINKAMP were "putting on an act" to the other Board Members.  They falsely inferred Bankston's hiring was
being deliberated when, in reality, he'd been hired 79 days prior to that meeting and had even invoiced and BEEN PAID for prior services.
Either there was a blatant violation of the State's Open Meetings Laws or there was misappropriation of funds on the parts of certain individuals.
Hopefully, we'll one day know which is the case!!


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