September 1 & November 10, 2015  Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board (LALB) Meeting Highlights

CLICK HERE to View LALB Financial Statements @ 9/1/15 Meeting


CLICK HERE to View LALB Financial Statements @ 11/10/15 Meeting



LALB Meeting:  11/10/15
LALB discusses reinstating Continuing Education (CE).
  Vice Chairman James Sims stresses his belief that reinstated CE should
be live-only classes (most likely to boost LAA attendance at annual conferences).
CLICK HERE for historical LALB coverage of CE.




LALB Meeting:  11/10/15
Audience members Judy Fasola (Ken Buhler victim), LAPA President
Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips, and LAPA Vice President Robert Burns
all discuss his voluntary reinstatement of restrictions on his auction license.
  CLICK HERE to see Buhler's historical problems in the Louisiana auction industry.





LALB Meeting:  9/01/15
Audience member Quan Nguyen, who has filed a formal
complaint with the Louisiana State Board of Contractors entailing
a problematic residential contractor, expresses his dismay at
what all he observed on LAPA's website entailing auctioneers.  Nguyen
wanted to pursue auction for making a home purchase and, in
conducting research on the matter, came across LAPA's website, and
contacted LAPA Vice President Robert Burns about his concerns.  Burns, in turn,
encouraged him to attend the next LALB meeting and voice his concerns publicly.
Nguyen's concerns over auctions resulted from him
 visiting LAPA's individual auctioneer issues page.




LALB Meeting:  9/01/15 & 11/10/15
On 9/1/15, LAPA Vice President Robert Burns openly ponders how anybody like
Quan Nguyen, who spoke above, would have ANY CLUE about auctioneer Mark
given that the LALB continued to show him as having an active auction
license through 12/31/15.  Then, at the 11/10/15 meeting, Burns openly expresses

 dismay at the LALB considering  a text from Brister as having "located him."
The preceding link also shows an email from Brister's wife saying any mail
sent to his address will not get to him as the home is in foreclosure.  Finally,
the preceding link provides documentation of a complaint from a woman who
loaned Brister $25,000 to keep him afloat in the auction business during the
timeframe the LALB was back-and-forth on him in terms of licensure, with
said loan not being repaid.  The LALB deemed the complaint "not related"
to an auction.  Interestingly, LALB Member Darlene Jacobs-Levy
indicates the Board was correct to have no reason for concern when Brister
 represented he could "make a million dollars overnight" in stating she
 has the ability to do the same
in the auction business!  To see historical
  video episodes entailing Brister, CLICK HERE.




LALB Meeting:  11/10/15
LALB adjudicates complaint by Mark Muller of White Elephant Trading Co.,
entailing a complaint filed against evangelist Sean Leteff, with whom he had
a business relationship wherein Muller would buy items at auction at distant states
like New Jersey, after which he would consign certain purchased items from those auctions
to Leteff, after which they were to share in any profits arising from the resales.
Interestingly, at the 7:06 mark, Member Darlene Jacobs-Levy, as part of her
penalty motion, indicated that the LALB was to file a bond claim to "make Muller whole."
This fact did not sit well with complainant Judy Fasola, who has been fighting
with the LALB to file a bond claim on her behalf for years now entailing auctioneer Ken Buhler.
(See 2nd video above).





LALB Meeting:  11/10/15
The three-year ordeal of 84-year-old Betty story and her fight against auctioneer
Marlo Schmidt concludes with her receiving $4,102.29 from 36th JDC and
Schmidt remitting an additional $1,500 to cover the cost of her three-night stay
at an assisted living facility after she'd moved in which she testified she did
ONLY as a result of Schmidt's promise to her to either sell her two homes
for a combined $110,000 or, if the properties did not sell at auction,
he would purchase the homes himself.  CLICK HERE to see Ms. Story's
June 22, 2015 letter to the LALB with her threat to sue the Board if it
stalled on her complaint.  CLICK HERE to see the email from the
Louisiana State Office of Risk Management to Ms. Story from Ann
Wax apologizing for LALB's attorney Larry S. Bankston's
having engaged in an "unpleasant conversation" with Ms. Story.
CLICK HERE for the ENTIRE history of Ms. Story's ordeal with Schmidt.




LALB Meeting:  9/01/15
LALB Executive Assistant Sandy Edmonds' efforts to implement a rule to shut
down video equipment left unmanned during an LALB meeting blow up in her face!




LALB Meeting:  11/10/15
LAPA President Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips discusses a proposal to require auctioneers
 to serve a minimum length of time before becoming eligible for LALB membership.
  That item was subsequently pulled for discussion.  Thereafter, a little on-the-sly proposal
to permit out-of-state auctioneers to auction in Louisiana with no license if supervised
 by a Louisiana-licensed auctioneer is discussed. 


LALB Meeting:  09/01/15
LALB Executive Assistant Sandy Edmonds provides a report entailing
her having attended the NALLOA Conference in July and a
continuing education seminar entailing internet auctions which
was conducted during that conference.


CLICK HERE to return to the chronological master listing of LALB videos.